I’m sure you would agree that there’s never a shortage of stuff to tinker on and there’s almost always a shortage of time.
Over the course of the last 5 years, I’ve gone through many changes. There’ve been many interruptions and disruptions during this time. When I stop to consider this, I realize that the so-called disruption is just life happening. I mean, hey, life happens ya know?
I admire the qualities of being focused and driven to achieve whatever creative endeavor you’ve got going on. But, here’s what I wanted to say in this post — it’s important to be flexible with life, especially for the beginner artist. The pursuits we chase can seem to evade us. This is life and this is part of the creative process. It’s on us to go with the flow rather than against it.
We can’t control life. We can only control ourselves. I can get frustrated with myself when I wish I’d already have completed this project or have already begun that part of the project. Sometimes, I think I should be better at something than what I actually am. Here’s where flexibility is a must when it comes to living a creative life. It’s usually a positive thing to push yourself or work with some pressure, but flexibility is a key ingredient to going the distance for what we’re creating.
It’s easy to get ahead of ourselves, thinking of the finished project. Starting or working steadily to a middle point can be hard because we can get in the way of ourselves. Flexibility can help us come to the finished project, being flexible with life as she unfolds before you. It can be that we need distance from our work, sometimes shit just happens and we have to start fresh, sometimes there is no time, other times there are too many options. Being flexible lets us stick with our creative adventures, ideas or projects. Things can be up in the air sometimes. Regardless, we just keep at them!